
Sunday, September 23, 2012

All About Me in Preschool

As we move from the "All About Me" theme in our room to "Apples" next week, I decided to show you all the fun "All About Me" work that we have displayed on our bulletin board.

The bonus to this picture below is that it's interactive!  Just move your mouse over the dots to see the descriptions:

I love our "All About Me" unit for several reasons.  The first reason is that we just do some fun things in this unit.  However, since this is one of the first units of the school year, all of this work is a baseline for home much they will develop during the rest of the year.

Here are some prime examples:

Circle Self-Portraits
 I love seeing the range of development on these "Circle Self-Portraits" (above).  You have everything from all features added to just squiggles for features to a "head-within-a-head".

Then there are these drawn self-portraits below:

We actually do these both at the beginning of the year and then at the end of the year, and display them side-by-side in their end-of-the-year memory books.  It's amazing how much difference we see in the span of just a few months.

So in essence, our "All About Me" theme is learning "All About the Little People" just where they are today.  They're young, they're learning, but they're growing and changing and developing everyday.

I can only imagine how they will be in a few months...


  1. This is my son's favorite activity at preschool. He loves to draw portraits.
    gold coast montessori

  2. I'm sure he brings home lots of treasures with all his drawing! Self-portraits are fun.
