One of the new items in my Teacher Stores is my Gingerbread Printables. There are several fun items in this set which center around two basic Gingerbread Themes:
One is a Gingerbread House Building Theme. Decorating Gingerbread houses is one of our favorite holiday activities. So, along that theme I wrote up my favorite way of making easy "gingerbread" houses for a class to decorate:
I also included a "Have Your Ever Made a Gingerbread House" graphing printable for printing out and making this graph with a class:
To prepare for this graph and to promote language at home about this subject, I made up a Take-Home
paper for students to fill in for their parents:
For after the decorating activity, I made up a paper for students to draw pictures of their building experiences and either journal about it, or dictate their experiences to a teacher:

In our class we also like to taste real gingerbread, and we graph who likes that and who does not:

For after the graph, there is a "Graph Data Recording Sheet", where older students can record the results of the graph, draw faces to go with the recorded numbers, and indicate where they might be on the graph:
Finally, there is a take-home paper for the students to show their parents about the day's tasting experience. I feel like any way I can promote language experiences with my students at home is valuable, and I hope these pages will do just that.
So stop by the stores at Teacher's Notebook and Teachers Pay Teachers and see the fun Gingerbread Items, and remember they are on sale through Tuesday!

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